coachsultant for leaders, entrepreneurs & innovators
Embark. Creating trailblazing results together.
Coachsulting is my way to contribute to the holistic growth of agencies and consultancies, law firms, startups and education providers. The coaching part supports human development, the consulting part provides technical input and support for leadership and agility.
You want to change, grow, develop as a team, brand, organization? It's about leading, becoming innovative or working more agile? As kathifervers.com I work analytically, agile, strategically and hands on. My favorite topics: building strong brands, empowering people in self-leadership and leadership, lifelong learning.
My favorite clients are smaller teams of up to 20 people or companies under 100 folks. I often work for decades as a close confidant of management and agile teams, providing innovative impetus and co-developing new business areas. Empowering others and remaining an advocate for the system is most important to me.